Eco Branding / Sustainable Design

The environment, renewable energy sources, and sustainability are topics that are on the central stage of the global media agenda. The importance of these themes in the positioning we adopt in the market should lead organizations towards introducing in their communication the concept of Eco-branding. Facing permanent changes and as new media gain increasing importance, we are forced to deal with the rise of new types of consumers heavily concerned with sustainable brands and committed to a “green revolution”. These factors make this the perfect moment for the introduction of Ecobrands.

A product without a brand lacks personality, losing its potential to achieve notoriety. More so today than in the past, working in branding means doing it also with a clear link to the public’s needs. This may make the marketing process more complex, meaning that organizations will have to first observe their surroundings, in a planned analysis before they map and execute their marketing actions and taking into account issues like social responsibility and their community.

With climate change a growing problem and Earth Day right around the corner, there’s never been a more important time to collectively become more aware of how we—as individuals, corporations and businesses—are affecting the planet.

Companies have realized that their image can beneficiate of showing that they include in their activity and orientation worries shared with their target. Communicating to your clients and general public common elements, more than just information about your services or products, is capitalizing a competitive advantage over your competitors.

Any Brand must include in its communication effort clear steps in order to integrate this trend. This means showing you side with your public, with results derived from an effective connection for those that manage to establish a bond with the consumer.

Plastic always being a big issue in packaging & design plays a big role! Being a branding designer, it is my duty to always push forward eco-friendly #branding.

This project designed for Baraka ( an eco-friendly and artisanal Lebanese bakery ) is all #Plastic-free, aluminum-free and #cruelty-free, it is good for you and the planet and is 100% recyclable.

#ecofriendly #recycling #sustainability #sustainable #plasticfree #recyclable #eco #goodforyou #designer #contentcreation #lebanese #artisanal #bakery #packagingdesign #identitydesign

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